Wednesday, December 8, 2010

She Can't Be Nine!!!

It's hard to believe, but my little girl is now 9 years old! (She has been for a few weeks, but I'm a little behind.) Wow! Where did time go?!?!

In interviewing her, this is what she said was her favorite...

food - Chinese (Sesame Chicken)
color - Green
song - Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone
tv Show - Phineas and Ferb because they build cool stuff
movie - Aladdin
Bible verse - Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord.
thing to do with mom - shop
thing to do with dad - ride in the red truck with him
thing to do with C. - build with Legos
toy - Chopsticks (a stuffed red monkey beanie baby)
animal - panda
bff -Abby, Star, Hannah
place to go - beach
thing to do at beach - play with Lily & Peyton and build sand castles around Papa's feet
thing to do in the mountains - ride The Scrambler at Dollywood
number - 9
sports team - Clemson because Mom graduated from CU
meat - chicken
veggie - lettuce (iceberg)
ice cream - cookies and cream
dessert - peanut butter pie
pizza - meatball (hamburger)
cake - chocolate pound cake
drink - grape Fanta
place to eat - China Inn
game - Hide & Seek
sport - soccer
thing to wear - shirts and dresses (navy blue dress)
person you most admire - Mom

S., it's so hard to believe that you're already nine. You are a sweet young lady, and God is going to do great things in you and through you. I love to hear you laugh. You are becoming such a good helper to me, and you are learning so much! Thank you! I know you enjoyed your birthday, especially going to Dollywood. Your dad and I love you so much, and we are enjoying watching you grow up. Keep your focus on Jesus, and please Him in all that you do. We love you!!!