Monday, January 18, 2010


I met with the thyroid surgeon today, and I'm a little more nervous than what I was. I'm the type of person who doesn't like to know what a surgeon is going to do. I would rather be put to sleep and then wake up when it's all over with. :)

The surgeon was very nice. He said that there are some "concerns". One of the concerns is my voice box and vocal chords. During this kind of surgery, they COULD be damaged. Another concern is that this will change my voice either really bad (from previous concern) or just slightly to where just someone who listens closely to my voice would notice it. A third concern is the bleeding. I don't remember exactly what he said about this, unfortunately, because of being focused so on the last concern. The last concern is about how big my thyroid is. If it's extending into my chest, then he'll have to open up my breastbone to remove my thyroid. We know that it's already growing underneath both sides of my clavicle (collar bone). I go for a CT scan Friday to have that checked out. In talking to the insurance person at the surgeon's office, she said that insurance will sometimes not cover a CT scan even if it is necessary. So those are some concerns that are a matter of prayer. I am praying earnestly about all of this, and my Heavenly Father is holding my hand all the way...


Kelly said...

Welcome back to Blogland!! Thanks for catching up on some of the latest news...I try to keep up through family ties but some of this was news to me.
We're certainly praying about the thyroid situation!

all4memories said...

Thank you, Kelly! It was actually fairly new to us, too. I never thought in December when I went for that ultrasound that she would say I needed surgery. And then, in meeting the surgeon yesterday, he really through me for a loop when he started telling me about all of the concerns and setting up appointments to have all of this other stuff set up before then. My head is spinning from all of the appointments I've already scribbled in on my calendar!!

I'm hoping I can stay caught up. We'll see! LOL Love all of you!