Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Muppet Show

As if the inauguration of our new President and Senator Ted Kennedy having a seizure today was not enough excitement, C. decided to becme a "Muppet" and entertain us for a bit. I thought it was funny and rather creative of him. K., I figured N. would appreciate his effort. Please make sure he sees the photo. :o)

Because we were so disappointed over not getting ANY snow, we decided to "lift our spirits" at Cici's Pizza tonight. I'm hoping we'll see some before winter's end, God willing, of course. I think it's so beautiful. I love stepping out into the quietness of a fresh fallen snow - so pure, peaceful, and calm. I've got to quit talking about it or I'll have to eat another piece of pizza. Ha! Ha!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hello ! N here ! Just asking C. ... Which muppet were you pretending to be ? Oh well it was a good impressian . So long for now .